Wednesday 27 February 2013

Digital Graphics Market Research Report

After sending out a short survey about our digital video production, I have now received over 40 results. Below, you will see a short evaluation of each piece of data relating to each question.

Question 1: Please select as many words as you like that reflect the video that you have just seen. In the interest of time, I have grouped responses into positive and negative results so that we can see how they compare. Despite having a high number of negative results, more than 60% of the results are positive. Bearing in mind that people may not have taken the survey as seriously as they should, this is a very satisfying result.

Interestingly, 38% found the video funny, 32% found that our video was suitable for all ages and 22% of answers said that the video was informative. (these results are combined since participants could select more than one answer)

Question 2: Rate the following question - the video reflects the aims and ethos of the PE department.

As we can see, the vast majority of the results said that interviewees agreed with the question. This is very pleasing since this meets the brief that we were given which stated that our video must reflect the good work and ethos of the PE department. Interestingly, a result that this chart does not show was that 45% of students were unsure about the answer. As a result, I feel that I should have emphasised this idea slightly more in the video to ensure that this message was passed to the audience.

Question 3: Do you feel that the style of the video was relevant to the PE department?

Similar to the other results, we can see that around 75% thought that the video was relevant. Despite this result being very pleasing, I feel that I could have made the video more relevant by including more interviews and reducing the amount of "Gerald" content in order to prevent the video from straying from the point.

Question 4: Would you agree that the video demonstrates the good work, success and enthusiasm of the PE department?

As we can see from this result, more than half of the results agreed with the statement. However, it was strange to see that around 25% had no opinion. As a result, I feel I should have included more footage of the success of the department as well as showing much more of the good work that goes on with the department. However, on the whole, this result was generally very positive and I am pleased with the result.

Question 5: If at all, did the video change your opinions about the PE department?
As we can see from this result, the vast majority of those interviewed said that they felt better about the department - which is a fantastic result since this was our main aim in making the video. Also, this result is especially pleasing due to the lack of people who said they had "no opinion". This proves that their minds were clearly made up about this question and that the answer was fairly obvious: and mainly leaned towards a positive answer.

Question 6: Finally, please could you select the words that you now associate with the PE department as a result of this video?

As we can see from this pleasing result, over 80% of our people gave a positive result from this question. As we can see, words such as welcoming, enthusiastic and happy were mostly associated with the department as a result of the video. This is very pleasing since our video has clearly increased the general positive opinion about the department - which was one of our key aims!

Qualitative Research

Since receiving the survey results, myself and Josh took our I-pads and showed our video to a few students via youtube. In terms of our feedback, I received comments such as "The special effects were very professional". In addition, adults we interviewed said that "it put a smile on their face" despite some of the childish humour. This means that we have hit our target of making the video suit all age groups - not just one particular age range.

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