Friday 5 July 2013

Web Animation Screencast Blog

Since beginning our web animation project, I have begun to assemble a presentation about the uses of web animation and the way in which it is applied on the web. For a change, instead of writing about my findings, I have decided to present them in the form of a screencast - as well as some pre-production material. The Screencast is as follows:

And for part two:

Now that the pre-production phase is complete, it is time to begin the production process. The following screencast takes place at a point half way through the animating process - and I will talk you through the techniques used.

After the somewhat lengthly production process, the animation was completed to what I hope is a high and near professional standard. A .MPEG2 version of my completed animation will be available below - with the addition of audio.

Subsequently, I have evaluated my product in the form of yet another screencast. I discuss the strengths, weaknesses and improvements that could be implemented into the production. The screencast is as follows:

Now that the production and evaluation are complete, I will continue to explore more ideas with regards to the future of web animation projects; having enjoyed this project, I would love to continue creating additional web animation projects for fun!

1 comment:

  1. This article is very nice i like it this is paragraph is so nice its very informative.

    Screen Cast Animation Services
